3 VPN Tips to Protect Your Privacy and Security

Protect Your Privacy and Security with VPN With the recent wave of privacy breaches from companies like Facebook, there has never been a more important time to protect your information online. For many people, the first line of defense to protect themselves is to use a VPN. Using them can be a great way to mask your connection, but it's also a dangerous way to deliver everyone. your browsing data to third parties. Many VPN providers offer cheap or free services and sell your data to other companies. Most of them suggest that they provide complete security, but then hide their practices in the small lines of the contract or term of use and conditions of use. To avoid falling prey to these predatory VPN apps that care little about your privacy, we've created a list of 3 such apps you can trust in the market. 1. NordVPN - for mobile and desktop NordVPN is one of the most popular VPN applications on the market, and there are a few reasons. First, No...